Frequently Asked Questions

Here you can find some frequently asked questions and the answer from our team.

Is the water safe to drink ?

In Nepal, it is generally accepted that the water is not safe to drink. We provide mineral water for drinking and all our vegetables are washed in our own filtered. Outside of the homestay, you are advised to only buy sealed mineral water; our drink boiled water. Tea is generally safe.

What currency do you accept ?

We accept US Dollars, Euros, Indian Rupees, Singapore Dollars, Australian Dollars, Canadian Dollars and Nepali Rupees. We regret that we not accept credit cards.

Do you change currency ?

We are able to change foreign currency in the list above into Nepali Rupees. We change all currency at the prevailing daily rate and are generally able to give a batter exchange rate than the money changers at the airport or in the Thamel. Minimum $20USD/Maximum $1000. A service charge of 1.5% applies to all transactions.

Do local shops accept foreign currency ?

Generally local shops do not accept foreign currency and only accept Nepali Rupees.

Do local shops accept credit cards ?

Most shops do not accept credit cards, so be sure to have Nepali Rupees with you.

Are there medical services close by ?

There are pharmacies in Naikap 10 Minutes away, and there is a private foreign hospital in Kathmandu for emergencies. Hospital charges can be very expensive in Nepal so be sure to have adequate travel insurance. If you get sick on a trek you may need a Helicopter so once again make sure you have mountain cove on you insurance and repatriation.

Can I get  a Bus from the centre of Kathmandu to Kathmandu Valley View homestay ?

Yes you can go to city bus park and take a local bus to Thankot, and ask to be dropped at Naikap for Kathmandu Valley View Homestay. (You will have to ask which bus stand as all writing is in Nepali).

Is electricity available 24 hours a day ?

Electricity is in short supply everywhere in Nepal and they have introduced a load shedding schedule which depending on the season means anything up to 12 hours a day of no electricity. We have a battery backup which powers emergency lighting and the internet (but we can not guaranty 100% availability.). You are advised to bring a torch and backup power for phone and laptop if it is important to you (Solar Charger).

If there is no electricity will food be available ?

All our food is cooked fresh on the gas stove.

Is hot water available 24 hours a day ?

At Kathmandu Valley View Homestay we have gas powered hot water showers which are available 24 hours a day, although the water in the hand basin is always cold water.

Do you have Asian Style squat Toilets ?

At Kathmandu Valley View Homestay all our toilets for quests are Western Style toilets including toilet paper. (Please note : that all toilet paper must be placed in the bin next to the toilet due to the sewage system in Nepal.)

Are Mosquitos a problem ?

Mosquitos are a problem mainly during the Monoson season June to November but we provide mosquitos nets over the windows and a plugin mosquitos repellent. Please note : Please do not open the mosquito net windows during this time as you will let them in ! Guests are also advised to bring their own repellent if they need to.

Are towels included ?

Towels are included and can be changed for you if you require.

How often to you change Linen ?

We change all bed linen once a week but can change for you if you require more often.

Do you have TV in the rooms ?

No we do not have television in the rooms.

Can we drink alcohol in the house ?

Beer is available for sale at the homestay.

What clothes should I wear ?

Man : long trousers and t-shorts or shirt.

Women : Long dress, trousers, top that covers the shoulders, no beachwear in public.

How long do guide services last per day ?

Guides are paid for a maximum of 8 hours per day. Any extra guiding will be charged at 300 Rupees per hours.

Public displays of Affection ?

Hand holding between couple or friends is acceptable but kissing in public places is not allowed.

Do you have printing facilities ?

We have a black and white printer which you may use to print up to 5 copies free of charge (more than 5 is 5 Rupees per pages).

Do you have an internet computer ?

yes if you do not have you own laptop/phone/tablet you may use our computer free of charge, but be aware that this will not work when there is no electricity.

Do you have a curfew ?

If you wish to visit Kathmandu or other places on you won we would appreciate if you ware back by 10 PM as the family is in bed.

What is the latest I can have dinner ?

If you are out on you own, shopping or scaling, we will wait until 8 PM for you to come and have dinner.  This does not apply if you are on one of our tours or treks.

Check in ?

If you have pre-booked we are flexible on you check in time. Please not that we need 24 hour confirmation of your booking and time of arrival.

Are tips included to guide or to your hosts ?

Tips are not included and are very welcome.

Do we need to pay anything in advance ?

All stays at Kathmandu Valley View Homestay will be invoiced on the day before departure.

Why do I need to pay insurance for the guide and perter in trekking ?

Due to a large number of Guides and porters becoming ill, or having serious accidents a new scheme was put in place to help them by making the person trekking responsible for paying for their insurance.

Can I borrow trekking equipment ?

Kathmandu Valley view Homestay can not loan you trekking  but there are companies in Kathmandu who can rent you equipment or sell it to you.

What happen if I get sick at homestay ?

A member of the family will always be available 24 hours a day if you become ill and will arrange transport (at your expense) to a doctor or hospital and will come with you to make sure you are all right.

What equipment do I need for trekking ?

Kathmandu Valley View Homestay can advise you on the type of equipment you may need but cannot be held responsible if you do not have everything you need. It is your responsibility to be adequately prepared for your trek.

Can you organize all-inclusive packages ?

All inclusive packages can be arranged for you. Please enquirer with Kathmandu Valley View Homestay.

What other Activities can you organize ?

At the Kathmandu Valley View Homestay we also offer full travel agency services. We can organize onward flights, hotels, Tours to Tibet, Bhutan, adventure activities such as rafting, and buggy jumping and also organise full expeditions. Please ask us for more information and prices.